Never Run Out Of Ideas Again - Mini ECourse
Everyone struggles with generating the ‘perfect idea’ every now and again- the difference between those people who seem to have great ideas all. the. time. and the rest of us? They know how to trick their brains into coming up with new ideas when they’re stuck. Allowing yourself to be inspired- and knowing how to get your creative juices flowing takes practice. This workbook is designed to not only give you strategies to tackle your idea block, but gives you practices that can help change the way you view idea generation (and it’s not a scary thing!).
This Mini E-Course includes 9 short videos, full of real-life examples, and a 20 page workbook for you to fill with your own ideas. By the end of the mini course, you should not only have a workbook filled with fabulous inspiration- but strategies in place to Never Run Out of Ideas Again. This Mini Course is the perfect companion for creative blogs or businesses who are continuously producing content or products.
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You'll get one PDF file, with links to the Section Videos.